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Exclusive Offer for Summit Attendees

You need guidance from someone who “Gets It”. This program is specifically designed for socially enterprising professionals determined to get out of their EXCUSES and into magnifying their SUCCESS story!

hey ya'll!

I'm Serita,

‘Your Relational, Group and Organizational professional eager to help Success Junkies reach their goals. As a Personal Brand Strategist, I create and optimize powerful, impactful and profitable brands!’


Time Period

January 3-31, 2022


4 weekly

with Serita!


Serita Love

Your Success
Dope Dealer!

how many


Only 23 Slots

It's Time to Level Up

With this coaching
you will...

Build a powerful, profitable, purpose-filled brand.

Week 1

Brand Goal Setting

Before you build a brand, you need brand goals! WHO do you want to support you? WHY would they become brand loyal? WHEN your goals are clear, so is your runway to create a BANKABLE BRAND!

Week 2

Life Timeline Review

Connect your LIFE to your PERSONAL BRAND goals. Look back at your life to discover what you’re passionate about. Be mentally prepared! We’re doing something a little different here!

Week 3

Guerilla/Experiential Marketing

Become more profitable by connecting to your ideal clients, partners, and sponsors. Gain competitive advantage in this experiential era and network your way to more


Week 4


Learn the art of crafting communication plans for content creation mastery. Discover how others in your industry are generating copy that converts.

Don't tell your story, SELL your story!

offer expires

November 23, 2021



Pongee Bryant
Pongee Bryant
"Serita is one of the best investments I’ve made for my business. She helped me solidify my brand messaging and purpose. Additionally, she’s given me several resources to help grow My business. Currently I’m focusing on capitalizing on the plethora of marketing and branding strategies that Serita conceived during our branding sessions. I thoroughly enjoyed working with her and I will definitely be booking more sessions in the future. I consider her a mentor, if you’re looking to rebrand or are starting a business do NOT hesitate to work with her. Signed, A Success Junkie"
Patrice Williams
Patrice Williams
"I have been honored to work with Serita Love with my brand, "Ambition". Serita will stretch you in areas that never seemed possible. Working with her has provided my company a consistent growth each quarter and numerous opportunities. She is selfless and stands behind her word. Her strategy works and if you just listen and stick to the plan, your (positive) addiction to success will skyrocket."
Ron Williams
Ron Williams
"Serita is an outstanding personal brand strategist. We started working together in December 2020 and it has been a pleasure. I authored a book, increased my social media presence, and improved my network based on Serita’s recommendations. She takes her time and customizes a strategy for each client. This is what should did for me. We mapped out a plan to see what my brand should look like and executed. Most personal brand strategists would stop there but not Serita. She connects you with the right people and put you in the right rooms to elevate your personal brand. Serita is a natural human connector. Her hard work and dedication to her craft shows and her social currency value might just rival Bitcoin. Her humbleness and willingness to help others is unmatched. I look forward to seeing what else is in store for this mogul in the making. Serita deserves her flowers now."